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Quantum Energy Healing by Regina

Remember why you started

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Spiritual Mentoring | Transformation | Energy Healing

Room for you

  • You want a fulfilling or meaningful job?

  • You want a happy relationship?

  • You want more abundance?

  • You want a self-determined, happy and fulfilled life?


Then your first step is to recognise what is holding you back.


  • Which of your inner limitations and negative beliefs claim that you are not entitled to all this?

  • Where does your conviction that you are not good enough and not lovable come from?

  • Who told you that you are not important?

  • Why do you think you are completely wrong?


No coach in the world can do that for you.

But he can support you on your way, so that you can throw overboard your previous inhibitors and belief patterns and create the life you would like to live.


You need to be willing to do this:


  • look at your inner programmes that are blocking you

  • To be ruthlessly honest with yourself

  • to look at your fears

  • to allow all your feelings to flow freely again

  • Let go of everything that has been blocking you so that the new can come into your life.


You may say that this does not work for you because you are the way you are and there is nothing you can do about it. You may also free yourself from this conviction!


You are not just like this, you too can change your inner world. You may be like this at the moment because at some point you decided to be like this. Because you didn't know any better at that moment, because you couldn't help it, or because you have adopted this conviction from your fellow human beings who have persuaded you that this is just the way you are.


I'm not saying it's easy. But I promise you that it is worth going all in.


If you want, I'll be your coach and mentor to guide you through it. If you decide to change something in your life, I will help you to implement and stick to it.


You are welcome to book a free, no-obligation get-to-know-you meeting, in which we can see together whether and how I can accompany you on your path.

Ich glaube an die Kraft der Selbstheilung. Sie ist wesentlicher Faktor im Heilungsprozess. Deshalb biete ich nicht nur Online 1:1-Sessions, sondern auch diverse Workbooks, Meditationen sowie Energy Healing-Aktivierungen (in Ausarbeitung) in meinem Online-Shop.

Diese kostengünstigen Selbst-Heilung-Ressourcen unterstützen dich in deiner Transformation. Das aktuelle Angebot findest du in meinem Shop.

Regina Voegelin

Do you wish for change?

Then you've come to the right place! My name is Regina Voegelin and I am a life coach & spiritual mentor for personal growth.


I am not a glossy coach, not a guru and least of all someone who knows everything. I see myself as your travel companion and hold the space for your thoughts, feelings and inner processes. In this space you can fully unfold.


I can help you to lead a better life because of my own experiences, both professional and private. This has taught me what it means to go through the spiritual awakening process of The Dark Night of the Soul and what it takes to emerge from this process like a phoenix from the ashes.


My own Twin Flame Journey has pushed me to the limits of what I can bear and has knocked my primal fears, beliefs, pains and blockages around my ears until I really looked at them and healed them. I was allowed to learn to keep my inner critic in check and to understand what true self-care really is.


All my knowledge, all my insights and experiences I would like to pass on to you, so that you can skip the one or other loop and thus be spared a lot of pain. I for one would have been happy if someone had taken me by the hand in this process. I could have saved myself a lot of pain, money and time.


My heart's desire is to make this world a better place for you and to accompany you into a life that is worth living, meaningful and fulfilled. Because every person deserves a self-determined and happy life.


You can rely not only on my experience, but also on the fact that I have a very solid education and master a wide range of tools and methods to support you in your transformation.

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Durch ihre aufmerksame, verständnisvolle und einfühlsame Art schafft Regina einen geschützten Rahmen, der es einem jederzeit ermöglicht, sich wohl und sicher zu fühlen und sich ohne Bedenken zu öffnen. Ihre gezielten Inputs und passgenaue Unterstützung helfen dabei, an Themen heranzukommen, die man allein nicht hätte erreichen können. Die Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen, die ich aus unseren Sitzungen gewonnen habe, sind von grossem Wert für mich und meine persönliche Entwicklung. Herzlichen Dank dafür!

~ Jana




In spiritual mentoring we do the deep dive into your unconscious belief patterns that you have created over the years. We work regressively. That means we go back to the roots where these beliefs originated.


This step is very important.  If you are not willing to look at your fears, pains, negative beliefs and conditioning first, you will have a very difficult time in spiritual development. You will then tend towards what is called "spiritual bypassing" and will find it difficult to take the step towards self-determination and real connectedness.


Because your shadow parts don't just disappear by meditating a little, eating a vegan diet or doing yoga. They will always catch up with you as long as you are not willing to look them in the eye.  


That's why I offer depth psychological, analytical coaching in combination with spiritual mentoring. 


Because before you get into spiritual practice, you should first have dealt with the issues that can hold you back from real spiritual practice.


It's like building a house without a foundation or harvesting fruit from a tree before it has had a chance to take root.


In spiritual mentoring we do the deep dive into your unconscious belief patterns that you have created over the years. We work regressively. That means we go back to the roots where these beliefs originated.


This step is very important.  If you are not willing to look at your fears, pains, negative beliefs and conditioning first, you will have a very difficult time in spiritual development. You will then tend towards what is called "spiritual bypassing" and will find it difficult to take the step towards self-determination and real connectedness.


Because your shadow parts don't just disappear by meditating a little, eating a vegan diet or doing yoga. They will always catch up with you as long as you are not willing to look them in the eye.  


That's why I offer depth psychological, analytical coaching in combination with spiritual mentoring. 


Because before you get into spiritual practice, you should first have dealt with the issues that can hold you back from real spiritual practice.


It's like building a house without a foundation or harvesting fruit from a tree before it has had a chance to take root.

Twin Flames

Welcome to your Twin Flame Journey!

  • You have met your Twin Flame and now your world is upside down.


  • You are in a downward spiral of neediness and obsession and your thoughts only revolve around your Twin.


  • You are triggered again and again by inexplicable pains and fears and do not know how to relieve them.


  • You feel - perhaps for the first time in your life - a deep love for a person that defies explanation.


  • You feel a deep connection to your Twin Flame and have the feeling that you have arrived home, although you do not really know him or her.​


I help you to understand what the Twin Flame Journey really is: the journey to yourself, into your spiritual awakening and into your self-love. 


Each journey is so individual that I personally accompany you so that you can enter into your spiritual growth as quickly as possible.


This requires you to be willing to face all your shadows and fears and to look closely at all your trigger points and dissolve them. If you are ready for this, your attitude towards life will quickly change into a positive one.


I will give you all the information you need to understand the deeper meaning of this journey.


Regina Vogelin

3110 Münsingen BE / Switzerland

☎ +41 76 231 30 07

WhatsApp: +41 76 231 30 07

Threema: 67P7N4RH

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 created & designed with ❤ by Regina Voegelin | Creating Space 

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