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Regina Voegelin

Hey, my name is Regina

It gives me great pleasure to see people grow personally, develop their potential and create a more self-determined and satisfied life.


That is my personal why. It is my innermost conviction that every human being is called to more than just remaining in a hamster wheel of obligations and dependencies and thus keeping themselves small.


My greatest wish is that you too recognise your true essence and take control of your life.

For years I lived against my inner voice and rejected what is my greatest potential: my sensitivity, my mediumistic abilities and my spiritual awareness. It took a very long time until I could recognise and accept my true self. For fear of being rejected or ridiculed, of being labelled an "eso aunt". For a very long time I even made fun of the spiritual scene and dismissed it as "eso stuff". Today I know that there is a fundamental difference between esotericism, mediumship and spiritual development. And today I live a down-to-earth spirituality that is suitable for everyday life, based on the modern spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Dr Joe Dispenza and Neale Donald Walsch.


By rejecting my true essence, I caused myself unnecessary pain for a very long time and put many unnecessary stumbling blocks and blockages in my way on the path to my calling.


Although I was somehow always different from the "normal" average person (however that is defined), I was ashamed of my feelings and talents and therefore kept them well hidden for a very long time. Until I finally realised that by doing so I was rejecting myself and fighting against myself. 


Through my first existential crisis of meaning - triggered by a karmic encounter - I was forced to look inside myself and tear down my heart walls. That was my first dark night of the soul. However, the pain and all the shadow parts that came up overwhelmed me so much that I decided to repress it all and push it away from me. I was not yet ready to look at it all. Because at that time I didn't know how to deal with all the pain and all the fears. So I fell back into the old rut and closed myself off from (self-)love and let my ego rule over me.


It wasn't until I met my Twin Flame that the house of cards I had so painstakingly put together collapsed and I began to free-fall into nothingness. All my painstakingly patched up wounds were torn open again, all the old hurts, fears, beliefs that I had worked on before came up again all at once. I was nothing, I was faced with nothing, I knew nothing any more. My processed encounter with the karmic partner, who had already triggered exactly these issues, I now experienced again - simply with ten times the force.


So this was my second dark night of the soul. This time, however, it stayed until I dug even deeper and finally faced my inner demons. And that was good. Because that was the only way healing could happen and I could grow into the person I am today.


My life so far has been characterised by constant change. This meant that I could never stay in my supposed comfort zone for long - and that contributed decisively to my personal transformation. Thus, for more than 15 years, I have been engaged in my spiritual and personal development and am always curious to learn and discover new things again. 


There have been setbacks, strokes of fate and low blows on my path so far that have forced me again and again to grow beyond myself and face my fears, beliefs and blockages.


My experiences have given me the strength and courage to do what my heart really burns for: to accompany, support and motivate other people. And to pass on to others what I have learned so far and what has helped me on my way.


Due to my profound training as a hypnosis master and hypnosis therapist as well as a holistic life coach, I can accompany you on your path of personal and spiritual development. My more than 20 years of experience as a Human Resources Manager in the international Corporate Business supports me in this.


I look forward to supporting you with my knowledge and experience!


Besides my curiosity and thirst for knowledge, always wanting to learn new things, I am always looking for new inspiration when travelling to other countries and cultures. I also have a great passion for photography and interior design. 

My education and training

22/23    NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach Certification (Accredited) | Transformation Academy, USA

22/23    Kundalini Reiki Master-Level | Claudia Detjen, DE

21/22    Feng Shui |  Center of Excellence, UK

2021     Life Coach | Achology Academy of Modern Psychology, UK ( )

2021     Professional Life Coach | Transformation Academy, USA ( )

2021     Transformation Life Coach | Transformation Academy, USA

2021     Life Purpose Life Coach | Transformation Academy, USA

2021     Spiritual Life Coach | Transformation Academy, USA

2021     Channel Medium & Trance Healing | N.Frost/R. Hungerland, DE ( )

2021     Reiki Level 1&2 | Center of Excellence, UK ( )

2021     Chakra and Aura Healing | Center of Excellence, UK

2021     Past Life Healing | Center of Excellence, UK

2020     Akashic Records Reading | Gabriela Joos, CH

2014     Quantum Matrix Healing | Onofrio Puleo, CH

2014     Hypnosis Master & Hypnosis Coach | TherMedius©, DE ( )

2013     Certified hypnosis therapist | Institute for holistic methodology, CH

1998    Master of Arts / German Studies & History | University of Basel, CH

What People Say

Trockene Rosen und Tagebuch


[...] I also discussed and reflected on subjects such as my Twin Flame Journey with Regina and we carried out several healing journeys to work on my self-esteem. My perfectionism got in the way and blocked me for years. With Regina's loving and calm way of guiding me through this healing journey, I found inner peace after we dissolved and healed the source (a past life).


—  Anne

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 created & designed with ❤ by Regina Voegelin | Creating Space 

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