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For Twin Flames

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I lost myself in you, only to find myself in you again...

Your Twin Flame-Journey

  • You have met your Twin Flame and now your world is upside down?


  • You are in a downward spiral of neediness and obsession and your thoughts only revolve around your twin?

  • You keep getting triggered by unexplainable pains and fears and don't know how to relieve them?

  • You feel - perhaps for the first time in your life - a deep love for a person that defies any explanation?

  • You feel a deep connection to your dual soul and have the feeling that you have arrived home, even though you don't really know him or her?

Twin Flame Mirror

Because I have been on this journey myself for some time, I know exactly how you are feeling now. Therefore, it is my deepest intention that you can benefit from my experiences in order to shorten your "path of suffering". I see myself neither as a guru nor as an all-knowing coach. We are all part of the Twin Flame community and are constantly learning new things from each other. 

At the beginning of my journey, I too was tempted to absorb all the information I could out of sheer desperation. I wanted so badly to understand what was happening to me that I clutched at any straw. The result was that my desperation and confusion grew and grew. I would like to spare you these detours and labyrinths!


Remember who you are

Let's get it straight from the start: The Twin Flame Journey is not the fairytale of romantic love you might imagine. Neither will the knight on his white horse stand at your door and rescue you, nor will your prince kiss you awake from your slumber. Nor will the frog you kiss turn into a prince charming.


My twin had indeed awakened me from my years of comatose slumber. But not with a gentle kiss, but with a hedge of thorns from which every available thorn bore into my sore spots. 


So first of all, your Twin is giving you a run for your money. As much as you think you love them, as much as you want him: they give you the middle finger and mostly pull out of the affair without a word. They remind you of the duality of our world. For they are not your opposite, but live your opposite. They believe that they are something (e.g. black), just as you believe you are something else (e.g. white). But that is exactly the big mistake: you are both everything because you are one soul. And that is what this journey is about.


It's about remembering who you are. It's about remembering that you are EVERYTHING. It's about remembering the unconditional love for yourself. The love that dreams and sleeps within you. For thousands of years. The love that is waiting to be awakened by your kiss. That love that you guard with a tall hedge of thorns. It is the most radical, the freest, the most unspectacular form of love. It may not be what you are looking for. It may not be what you hope to receive from the other part of your soul. But it is your freedom, your independence and your strength. Unconditional love is what I want you to remember.


How I can support you on your journey

I have done a lot of research on this topic and have acquired a lot of knowledge. You can find my insights, ideas and support on my blog in a loose sequence. If you want to understand the exact background of your journey, I recommend reading my blog articles.


I offer a specific Twin Flame session where you can talk to me about your current situation without any shame and we can find solutions and next steps together. You can book individual sessions with me via video conference (Zoom) and choose between 30 min. or 60 min. Please feel free to contact me directly.


You can also book any other offer from my coaching programme

What I do:

I help you to understand what the Twin Flame Journey really is: the journey to yourself, into your spiritual awakening and into your self-love. 


Each journey is so individual that I personally accompany you so that you come into your spiritual growth as quickly as possible.


This requires you to be willing to face all your shadows and fears and to look closely at all your trigger points and dissolve them. If you are ready for this, your attitude towards life will quickly change into a positive one.


I will give you all the information you need to understand the deeper meaning of this journey.

What I do NOT:

I'm not going to sell you any "quick fixes", expensive strategies or other miracle promises that supposedly guarantee you'll get together with your twin.


Each journey is individual, so it is impossible to set up any processes or rules that you have to follow in order to successfully get together with your Twin.


Always keep in mind that even if the soul plan is to come together, each person has free will and can decide against their soul plan at any time - even if it is demonstrably not good for them. But you can't force your twin to be with you - not even with witchcraft spells or by putting a gun to his head 😉


I won't forbid you anything or try to convince you that you absolutely have to do this or that to get together with your twin.

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 created & designed with ❤ by Regina Voegelin | Creating Space 

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